Kacha Badam singer Bhuban Badyakar hospitalised.


 Who is Kacha Badam and his history?

Kacha Badam was created by Bhuban to attract customers to sell peanuts in exchange for old, broken items. The video first went viral on all social media platforms and later it was released on YouTube by two Bengali rappers. Speaking to ETimes, he said that, "The best part is I am not just a peanut seller now. People see me as a musician and this is a proud moment for not just me but also for my village. I experienced so many things in the past few weeks. I must admit sometimes the attention is leaving me in an awkward position. I am not used to this popularity. But I am happy and looking for a better future for my family with help of my music talent."

He hospitalized

Accident reason: 

Bhuban Badyakar, of 'Kacha Badam' fame, was injured in accident on Monday, 28 February. The viral singer was rushed to the hospital after he sustained injuries on his chest and head.

The incident took place near his home in Birbhum district's Dubrajpur. Badyakar's friend told PTI that was trying to drive his new 2nd hand four wheeler  vehicle when he drove it into a wall and was injured on his face on Monday afternoon. The friend added that he was discharged from the hospital after first aid.

In interview some one was asked you are now celebrity, what you will do now? 
He said with attitude that he is now a celebrity and now he don't want to sells nuts/Badam, if he sell nuts/Badam then he feel insult.

According to people he has received of his labor. The people said that for this bad pride he deserve that .

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