Man jumped into the Teesta Canal For Saved Major's life ; Real Hero; Humanity


 On the way to Ghazaldobar near Siliguri. Shimulguri Milnapalli area. Today the car lost control and fell into the Teesta waters. The locals rushed to the rescue. At the risk of their own lives, they broke down near the sinking vehicle and rescued the soldier in the vehicle. Name Major Sanket Ranjan. From Siliguri he was going to Jalpaiguri along Canal Road.

The Major lost control of his vehicle and drove to Teesta Cana. Then the people next to him noticed and ran to help him. Some people there, seeing this incident, without thinking of their own lives, jumped into the canal and tried to get him out. Slowly many people gathered. An ambulance was called immediately. Eventually, after much effort, he was pulled out of the car and treated..

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